Progress by Intention

Welcome to my page where you’ll find the occasional blog post, life updates, and cool mini courses and downloadable documents. I’m glad you’re here.

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Badwater 2022: Cutoffs, Calories and Crew

Badwater Reflection – 2022 Its taken me some time to finally sit down and write a full reflection of Badwater 2022. Not because I haven’t thought of it because lets be honest, my experience out there probably crosses my mind at least once a day. With the memories also come phrases like “what the F…

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Some Truth About “Picky” Eaters

When I was growing up (heck even into adulthood) others determined what kind of an eater I was. I was referred to as a: picky eater, finicky eater, stubborn, some thought I had an eating disorder (which I’ll elaborate on more) and some thought I was just plain rude. The truth is I was none…

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